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EMAC 2023 Annual

How companies are adopting environmental practices in their social media

Published: May 24, 2023


Elnur Nabivi, University of Warsaw


This study aims to explore types of green marketing-related content created by companies on social media that are engaging for customers. The research method that was employed is qualitative content analysis. As a first step, the collected data were coded in accordance with whether it is related to green marketing or not. In the following step, a new classification was created based on topics shared by chosen accounts and the main sustainability issues. With the help of this classification, each green marketing-related post on social media was classified according to its main topic. The engagement rate of these topics was calculated, and engagement differences among these categories were analyzed. In addition, differences and similarities in green marketing-related content on Facebook and Twitter were also compared. This study gives clear directions to the growing interest in green marketing in companies' social media communication.